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3,378 reviews in the last 12 months5,660 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Oct 18, 2023
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Order came quicly, and we got the correct parts at a good price. However I am not satisfied with the shipment. I ordered delivery to our business, but it was handled as a private package with delivery outside of office hours. That was very anoying as the order then tok several extra days before arriving at a pick up place.

Most relevant negative review

Nov 7, 2023
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Ordered a thermostat for a combifridge by Ikea/whirlpool. The thermostat should fit according to the model and type number. When it arrived and I tried installing it, it didn't fit as it was physically completely different. As shown by the attached picture of the light bulb holder part of the package. The picture shows the old and the new part. I contacted customer service. The response time was extremely slow. It ended up in me not being able to return the product. I enquired about another product that would fit. Fix Parts gave me a link to a product. I communicated to them that the product picture was identical to the part I had received that did not fit. Customer service claimed the new part would fit. Thus I ordered the new part. When it arrived, it was in fact identical to the first one and thus did not fit. Customer service has so far not responded to my latest claim to have them refund my purchase and cover my return transport costs, it has been several days since my request. I would urge people to not use Fix Parts. If something goes wrong, they don't step up for the customer even when they are at clear fault.
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Sep 20, 2023
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Sep 19, 2023
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Sep 18, 2023
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Sep 18, 2023
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Sep 18, 2023
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Sep 18, 2023
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Sep 17, 2023
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Sep 17, 2023
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Sep 17, 2023
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Nov 7, 2023
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Ordered a thermostat for a combifridge by Ikea/whirlpool. The thermostat should fit according to the model and type number. When it arrived and I tried installing it, it didn't fit as it was physically completely different. As shown by the attached picture of the light bulb holder part of the package. The picture shows the old and the new part. I contacted customer service. The response time was extremely slow. It ended up in me not being able to return the product. I enquired about another product that would fit. Fix Parts gave me a link to a product. I communicated to them that the product picture was identical to the part I had received that did not fit. Customer service claimed the new part would fit. Thus I ordered the new part. When it arrived, it was in fact identical to the first one and thus did not fit. Customer service has so far not responded to my latest claim to have them refund my purchase and cover my return transport costs, it has been several days since my request. I would urge people to not use Fix Parts. If something goes wrong, they don't step up for the customer even when they are at clear fault.
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Nov 8, 2023
God dag, vi beklager at du ikke har mottatt riktig produkt. Vi har sendt returinstruksjonene slik at du kan returnere produktet. Den kan ha havnet i søppelposten din, så sjekk der også. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
Jan 31, 2024
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Using online store for the first time

When using this online store for the first time, I made a mistake. After entering credit card details for payment, I expected the purchase to be complete. Instead, I returned to an almost identical page showing a summary of the order, with a green button at the bottom saying “Proceed to payment.” The text on that green button should have been changed to “Confirm purchase.” I received an order confirmation via email, thinking everything was fine. However, I started getting emails stating that the payment was not completed, and wondering if I had double-booked. This made me uncertain and confused. Additionally, I noticed that the long order number in the subject line isn’t fully visible on a mobile phone, making it easy to think it’s a different order. I eventually canceled what I thought was a duplicate order. Nevertheless, I placed the order again and completed the payment correctly. This time, I also received an invoice attached to the order confirmation.
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Apr 4, 2024
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Bad customer service

I bought a new led for my oven fan. Was very happy when the new product arrived and matched the old one exacly. After installation LED truned on fine, but after a few hours it did not work. I reinstalled it and it worked. Over the next few days i had the same issues where it stops working and has to be reisntalled. Eventually i reached out to their support sugesting i bought a defective product. The customer agent insists that i bought the wrong product, without providing propper documetation for it. I try to explain to them that this is the right one using the user manual as a source, as well as pictures of the old LED and the new LED for comparison to no avail. The evantualy give me the alternative of retruning it but put the cost of return package on me. This was a frustrating custumer service expirance. I dont belive i should pay the cost or retrun shipping when i did not get a working product.
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Nov 12, 2023
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Returordningen følger ikke kravene i norsk lov for nettkjøp.

Leverandøren følger ikke norsk lov vedrørende angrerett fullt ut. Man får ikke levert angrerettskjema og det er heller ingen ferdigfrankert returoblat slik norske nettbutikker har. Det er heller ikke mulig å kansellere en ordre etter at den er lagt inn. Hvis man angrer seg rett etter at bestillingen er lagt inn får du fraktkostnadene. Årsaken er at de bruker for lang tid til å håndtere en kansellering slik at varen blir sendt. For retur må man også betale returporto selv. Det er ikke oppgitt telefonnummer for kontakt, slik at det er vanskelig å få til en god dialog i praksis. Selskapet er nederlandsk, og ikke norsk. Selve bestillingsportalen virker bra. Dialogen via skjema og e-post virker bra, men det passet dårlig i min sak.
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Apr 30, 2024
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Ikke mulig å hente pakke

Fikk melding om at pakke var ankommet pakkeboks. Ved henting via Postern sin App får jeg melding om at pakken ikke kan hentes. La i nn Posten sin app på nytt, samme tilbakemedling. Prøvde 2-3 ganger i løpet av de to ukene, med samme tilbakemelding. Prøvde flere ganger å finne løsning/hjelp via Posten sin chat uten hell. Fikk i dag melding om at pakken er returnert. Fikk omsider kontakt med en kundeveileder i Posten, som sa dere hadde lagt inn feil telefonnummer på mottaker(min) telefon.
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Apr 30, 2024
God dag, jeg beklager å høre at du ikke mottok bestillingen din i tide. Dessverre ble leveringen litt forsinket, noe vi beklager. Hvis det fortsatt er noe galt med produktet, vennligst gi oss beskjed. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
Nov 4, 2023
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The customer service was terrible. It took over two weeks to get an answer as to whether a part I had ordered was similar to the one I had pictures of. Got a reply that they did not have the part the same day that the part I had ordered arrived in the mail. It was wrong....I paid a lot for this crap. If you had answered the inquiry more quickly and not three times with questions about sending pictures, which I did the first time and the second time and the third time......
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Nov 7, 2023
Good day, we are sorry to hear that you did not receive the correct product. We have sent the return instructions so you can return the product. It may have ended up in your spam, so please check there too. Bram, FixPart Customer service
Jan 20, 2024
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FEIL PRODUKT - DETTE RETURNMERES PER POST. Pakken kom raskt og med fin oppfølging underveis - det skal dere ha! MEN tetningspakningen omkring komfyrdøren passer dessverre ikke. Den er altfor stor og jeg sender den i retur idag. Kan dere skaffe den riktige størrelsen? Jeg vedlegger bilde av komfyren, komfdyrponingen med den deformerte pakningen og bilde av modell-nummeret på vår ILVE komfyr fra 2010 mvh Petter Eldevik 90 66 76 59 eller
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Oct 24, 2023
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Your knowledge of the products you sell are close to zero. Your return service is shamefull and expensive for the customer. Your demands when it comes to returning useless or wrong products are tedious, non-informative and down right unreasonable. I bought 2 produktsiden from you. Both were wrong and did'nt fit. It cost me half the price of the produktsiden to return it, and still you say you ned moren documentation. It is unacceptable customer support.
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Oct 11, 2023
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Lite opplyste kundebehandlere

Jeg henvendte meg to ganger med spørsmål om å kjøpe ny lader/ strømtilførsel til en hårklippemaskin, begge henvendelsene ble besvart med at de ikke hadde lader til produktet mitt. Når jeg så henvendte meg til Elkjøp, som ikke selv hadde denne laderen, kunne de vise meg at Fixpart hadde den… Så da bestilte jeg den selv om Fixpart selv to ganger sa at de ikke hadde den! Noe bedre opplæring av kundeveiledere kan nok trenges.
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Oct 12, 2023
God dag, jeg beklager at vi ikke har vært i stand til å svare ordentlig på spørsmålet ditt. Jeg ser at bestillingen din er levert. Hvis det er noe galt med produktet, vennligst gi oss beskjed. Juliette, FixPart kundeservice
Mar 5, 2024
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Trengte en reservedel til en Kenwood Major da tannhjulet som driver rotasjon av vispen var ødelagt. Før bestilling kontaktet jeg kundeservice og spurte om at delen passet min maskin. De bekreftet at den passet. Den passet dessverre ikke da delen ikke passet til 12mm eltekrok, visp osv. Det virket som delen ikke passet maskinen 100%da den satt ikke helt fast slik som den originale delen. Skuffet over manglende kunnskap.
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Mar 8, 2024
Hei, vi beklager at du ikke har mottatt riktig produkt. Vi har sendt deg returinstruksjoner slik at vi kan returnere produktet til deg. Den kan ha havnet i søppelposten din, så sjekk der også. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
Nov 7, 2023
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I did not get much help with my last order. Several different answers. Some agents told med the item was discontinued. Some told me the item was not in stock. Some agents did not answer med at all. Finally I find the part I needed myselves on your web site, and asked why this should not fit according to your agent. Finally after several days, it was confirmed that the item was correct and in stock...
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