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3,392 reviews in the last 12 months5,695 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Oct 18, 2023
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Order came quicly, and we got the correct parts at a good price. However I am not satisfied with the shipment. I ordered delivery to our business, but it was handled as a private package with delivery outside of office hours. That was very anoying as the order then tok several extra days before arriving at a pick up place.

Most relevant negative review

Nov 7, 2023
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Ordered a thermostat for a combifridge by Ikea/whirlpool. The thermostat should fit according to the model and type number. When it arrived and I tried installing it, it didn't fit as it was physically completely different. As shown by the attached picture of the light bulb holder part of the package. The picture shows the old and the new part. I contacted customer service. The response time was extremely slow. It ended up in me not being able to return the product. I enquired about another product that would fit. Fix Parts gave me a link to a product. I communicated to them that the product picture was identical to the part I had received that did not fit. Customer service claimed the new part would fit. Thus I ordered the new part. When it arrived, it was in fact identical to the first one and thus did not fit. Customer service has so far not responded to my latest claim to have them refund my purchase and cover my return transport costs, it has been several days since my request. I would urge people to not use Fix Parts. If something goes wrong, they don't step up for the customer even when they are at clear fault.
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Apr 5, 2024
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I ordered three related small products to a Bosch coffe-machine and they come in three separate deliveries at three differensiert days. Not at all as expected and not at all sustainable logistics. Never again.
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Dec 20, 2023
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Måtte returnere vare, då den fyrste eg fekk var feil. Her svikter dåko totalt, den returnerte vara har lege i 5 dg på Meny Grimstad uten at dåko har hente. HER HAR DÅKO ABSOLUTT ET FORBETRINGSPOTENSIAL!
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Mar 31, 2024
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Har ikke fått produktet jeg kjøpte av dere og begynner og lure på om det kommer. Det har gått lenge siden jeg bestilte og jeg burde fått produktet for lenge siden. Er ikke fornøyd med denne forsendelsen.
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Nov 23, 2023
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right parts, high freight rate

I liked that you had the parts I was looking for. I did not like the freight rate for the small and light parts I ordered. I would oder more often if small parts could be send to a lower price.
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Oct 17, 2023
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Har nå bestilt o ringer to ganger til Siemens kaffemaskin. De er til bryggeenheten som skulle passe. Det er de små ringene.De passer ikke. Har betalt nesten 800 kr. Det er ikke bra nok.
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Dec 26, 2023
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K vispen er helt feil størrelse.

K vispen som skulle være passe til maskinen vår var alt for liten. Den passer ikke litt engang. Eltekroken var bra. Veldig dumt når merkingen er feil - styr med returnering og slikt.
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Nov 16, 2023
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I received a damaged product! The company does not respond to e-mails or attempts to contact us regarding the reported problem... The product is broken and cannot be used!
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Nov 17, 2023
Good day, I am sorry to hear that the product was not delivered in good condition. We have contacted you to see what we can do for you. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Bram, FixPart customer service
Nov 11, 2023
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Det stod på deres nettside levering etter tre virkedager. Jeg sendte min bestilling fredag 3. november og har pr. i dag 11. november har jeg enda ikke mottat min vare.
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Nov 13, 2023
God dag. Jeg beklager å høre at du ennå ikke har mottatt bestillingen din. Jeg ser at den fortsatt er på vei. Vi har sendt sporingen som gjør at du kan følge forsendelsen. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
Mar 18, 2024
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I have ordered and paid for a part not delivered yet!!! Please tell FixPart to deliver my heatelement for my owen! Ordrenr.202402609897 Regards, Per Arne lundekvam
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Apr 5, 2024
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Returnerer ikke penger

Returnerer ikke pengene! Fikk feil vare som jeg sendte tilbake for over 2 uker siden. Fixpart har fortsatt ikke refeundert meg. Skal anmeldes til forbrukerrådet.
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Mar 21, 2024
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We recieved the wrong valve for our washing Machine. See pictures for more info. The last picture is the old and correct one. Please send the correct valve
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Jan 9, 2024
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Ikke mottatt del til vaskemaskin bestilt 22.12.2023…

Bestilte vaskemasindel 22.12.2023 Fremdeles ikke mottatt. Posten Norge har kun mottatt beskjed om at den skal sendes fra FixPart. Dette er for dårlig.
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Feb 9, 2024
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Svindel, tar betalt og sender ikke deler svarer ikke på gjentatte mail til kundeservice og finner ikke telefon nummer. Anbefales og styre unna fixpart
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Nov 14, 2023
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Ordered a charger 2 weeks ago. Delivery was supposed to be 4-6 days, but nothing has arrived yet. have sent an email, but they reply incredibly late.
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Nov 15, 2023
Good day, I am sorry to hear that you have not received your order. We are in contact with the carrier and have also contacted you about this. Bram, FixPart customer service
Mar 19, 2024
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Dere sier å dere forsøkte å levere 8 mars. Eg var hjemme den dagen men ingen kom den dagen eller prøvde å ringe meg. Har fortsatt ikke fått delen
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Jan 19, 2024
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Wrong spare part for my stove

i sent picture to cuostomerservice and they told me to order wrong spareparts for my stove. So now i have one useless spart part i want to return
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Oct 20, 2023
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Helt ok

Kjapp levering, men dårlig informasjon om produkt. Fikk mindre deler enn antatt, basert på prisen. Ble veldig mye dyrere enn jeg forventet.
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Apr 27, 2024
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For starters u shouldnt ask for a review before packard is delivered. I havent had a working dishwasher in 2 weeks and slightly tilted.
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Dec 9, 2023
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They did deliver the wrong part Even when they got the picture of what was the right part, just people with no knowledge of what to do!
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Dec 11, 2023
Good day, we are sorry to hear that you did not receive the right product. We have contacted you to see what we can do for you. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Bram, FixPart customer service
Sep 29, 2023
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Eltekroken hadde ikke riktig overgang til kjøkkenmaskinen min. Heldigvis var det mulig å flytte min gamle overgang til den nye kroken.
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