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2,263 reviews in the last 12 months4,815 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Jan 31, 2024
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Your spare part offering is very large and it was easy to find the right part. Excellent! Your delivery system did not work. In fact you ordered the part from Germany to Finland and your supplier used DHL. Unfortunately you did not make sure that DHL and in Finland Posti have my email and phone info and that created a long delay in delivering as Posti could not reach me. I had to fix it in waiting on OmaPosti chat-line for a long time and give my information through that. All the emails from OmaPosti were sent to Fixpart info-email and no one was replying to those or forwarding those to me. Please fix this problem and you are even better and give an option to delivery the parts for a pick-up center (Noutopaikka) instead of home delivery. Working people cannot afford sitting home waiting for DHL-courier.

Most relevant negative review

Mar 20, 2024
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In the option 'Delivery to another address' there is missing a very important info field, namely the telephone number of the receiver. It is critically important to have the receiver's tel. number included, because without this information the local courier doesn't have any means to contact the receiver, and the shipment would ultimately be returned to the sender/Fixpart. The local courier does not contact the buyer, whose tel. number is asked for in the order form. The return shipment almost happened to me, but I was able to give local courier (Post office in Finland) the receiver's tel. number. However, this required me to contact Post via a phone call.
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Dec 16, 2023
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Tuotteen tiedustelu sähkpostilla hidasta...Toimitus 9 vuorokautta. Lopulta väärä varaosa eikä kyselyiden jälkeen ollut oikeata tarjota. Olisi pitänyt palauttaa omalla kustannuksella väärä osa saksaan...Empä palauttanut ..olisi maksanut melkein saman kuin mitä osa maksoi. :(
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Dec 18, 2023
Hyvää päivää, olen pahoillani kuullessani, ettet ole tyytyväinen. Jos haluat palauttaa tuotteen ja se on tilattu väärin, palautuskulut ovat sinun kustannuksellasi. Korvaamme kuitenkin palautuslähetyksen kustannukset. Jos sinulla on vielä kysyttävää tästä, kerro meille. Bram, FixPartin asiakaspalvelu
Feb 14, 2024
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Bad customer service

I paid for 2-4 days delivery. 15 days later and I dont have the parcel. Yet, they refuse to return the money I paid for a fast delivery. The responses from their customer service make non sense. I wonder if a robot is answering the emails or it is a real person.
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Apr 27, 2024
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About a product I ordered; There was no measure informations mentioned on your webside and therefore the product was not fitting. Since this was an onlineshopping, I would have appriciated that a "return-ticket" would have been sent along with the product.
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Apr 29, 2024
Good day, I am sorry to hear that you are not satisfied. If you want to return a product and it was ordered incorrectly, the return costs are at your expense. However, we will refund you the cost of the return shipment. If you still have questions about this, please let us know. Bram, FixPart customer service
Mar 13, 2024
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Asiakaspalvelu ei pelaa. Olen yrittänyt periä ylimääräistä maksua takaisin tuloksetta. Useiden viestien jälkeen asiakaspalvelija vastasi ja pyysi tositteet maksuista ... lähetin tositteet. Mitään ei tapahdu ja joku botti vastaa viesteihin että on ruuhkaa.
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Mar 29, 2024
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Verkkokaupasta tilattu tuote ei sopinut

Verkkokaupasta valittu mallin ja tyypin mukaan jääkaapin hylly joka ei sopinut. Verkkokaupan virheellisen sopivuuden takia ajauduttu palautusprosessiin josta ei hyväksytty toimituskuluja. Lisäksi uusintatilauksessa piti taas maksaa toimituskulut.
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Feb 21, 2024
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You lost my package - and now you demand me to clarify your failure

You lost my package I ordered and now you say I should clarify what has happened to this delivery. I think it is your role to guarantee successful delivery and in problem situation you are responsible to solve the situation - not the customer.
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Feb 23, 2024
Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't receive your order on time. Unfortunately delivery has been slightly delayed, for which we apologise. If there is anything wrong with the product, please let us know. Bram, FixPart Customer Service
Aug 20, 2024
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Sparepart did not resolve the issue with my machine and returning item was prohibited by company rules (customer pays and takes all the risks with zero quarantees). Delivery was not super fast but adequate. I recommend to seek other options.
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Oct 8, 2023
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Helpful but not so useful. Answer was product not awailable anymore. Product spects wrong. Did leave LG hint to make product better. I did know what to order but price was over doubble to competitor. Anyway keep maiking service better!
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Sep 30, 2023
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In Finnish: Ala-arvoinen jäljitelmä. Partakoneen terä joka ei leikkaa ollenkaan. Täysin turha kauppa. Pois markkinoilta. In English: Inferior imitation. A razor blade that doesn't even cut hair. Totally pointless trade. Off the market.
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Oct 16, 2023
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Tilauksessa meni kolme viikkoa, joka on hävytön aika yhden uuninnupin toimittamiseen. Ymmärtäisin, että kuljetusliikkeellä kestää, mutta kuljetus oli jopa nopeampi kuin teidän toiminta lähettää paketti eteenpäin kuljetukseen.
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Oct 17, 2023
Hyvää päivää, olen pahoillani, ettet saanut tilaustasi ajoissa. Näen, että viivästys johtui siitä, että tuote oli loppunut varastosta. Pahoittelemme sitä vilpittömästi. Näen, että tilauksesi on nyt toimitettu. Jos jotain on vielä vialla, ilmoittakaa meille. Juliette, FixPartin asiakaspalvelu
Oct 19, 2023
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Feels like a scam, need the front!!

You sold a product, a vegetable draw to a fridge, without the front! I then very much like to order the front but need your help to get the right one but you won’t reply!! I have now paid for a totally useless vegetable draw!
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Oct 19, 2023
Good day, we have sent you the right part to order. Best regards Juliette customer service Fixpart
Nov 11, 2023
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Tavarn liikekannalle lähtö kangerteli kun maksusta oli jo liki 3 viikkoa ennen kun tavarasta tuli ilmoitus et on lähdössä mut kuljetus sit pelaskin jo odotettua paremminn ja informointi ei pelaa missä vaiheessa tilaus on
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Nov 13, 2023
Hyvää päivää, olen pahoillani, ettet saanut tilaustasi ajoissa. Näen, että viivästys johtui siitä, että tuote oli loppunut varastosta. Pahoittelemme sitä vilpittömästi. Näen, että tilauksesi on nyt toimitettu. Jos jotain on vielä vialla, ilmoittakaa meille. Bram, FixPart asiakaspalvelu
Jan 23, 2024
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Paketti ei tullut perille ja toimitettu lähi kauppaan, eikä tullut mitään tietoa missä ja koska se on siellä jos en itse olisi alkanut kaipaamaan pakettia ja jäljittämään missä se menee niin paketti olisi palautunut
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Nov 21, 2023
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You are asking if I am satisfied with your services? Well, no point asking if I did not get the parcel yet, although you informed me yesterday that the parcel has been delivered...wondering where did you deliver it?
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Nov 22, 2023
Good day, I am sorry to hear that you have not received your order. I see that it should have been delivered. We have contacted you to sort things out. Bram, FixPart customer service
Nov 11, 2023
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Ordernum. 202302157775

Hello, you are asking for a review of your company, but I have not seen any trace of the product I ordered. My money was fine. I'm still waiting for my product to arrive, maybe before Christmas.
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Nov 13, 2023
Good day, I am sorry to hear that you did not receive your order on time. I see that there was indeed some delay because the product was out of stock. Our sincere apologies for that. I see that your order has now been delivered. If there is still something wrong, please let us know. Bram, FixPart customer service
Oct 23, 2023
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The item I ordered ( 202301938134) and paid newer came to me, and the feed back I have sent to is responded only by an automatic writer... Do not rely on Postnord or pack the items correctly.
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Oct 30, 2023
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I ordered product 17.10. and still I haven't got it. Latest note in GLS Parcel Tracking page is that "The parcel has been delivered at the ParcelShop " on 25.10. No information after that.
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Oct 31, 2023
Hyvää päivää. Olen pahoillani kuullessani, ettet ole vielä saanut tilaustasi. Näen, että se on edelleen matkalla. Olemme lähettäneet seurantatiedot, joiden avulla voit seurata lähetystä. Juliette, FixPartin asiakaspalvelu
Feb 7, 2024
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Bad sevice Fault battery delivered

Customs defective battery I ordered. I tried to get in touch to fix the issue and get a new battery quickly, but I can't get hold of anyone to get in touch. Bad service
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Feb 8, 2024
Hyvää päivää, olen pahoillani siitä, että tuote ei toimitettu hyvässä kunnossa. Olemme ottaneet sinuun yhteyttä nähdaksemme, mitä voimme tehdä hyväksesi. Pahoittelumme epämukavuudesta. Bram, FixPartin asiakaspalvelu
Feb 29, 2024
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You quaranteed that the battery will fit to my old laptop, but it did not. The battery you sent is about 5 cm longer than the original one. I should get my money back!
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May 21, 2024
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I have no understanding for an almost three months shipping time. There is almost no cooperation between your delivering agent and the finnish post.
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May 22, 2024
Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't receive your order on time. Unfortunately delivery has been slightly delayed, for which we apologise. If there is anything wrong with the product, please let us know. Bram, FixPart Customer Service