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2,263 reviews in the last 12 months4,815 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Jan 31, 2024
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Your spare part offering is very large and it was easy to find the right part. Excellent! Your delivery system did not work. In fact you ordered the part from Germany to Finland and your supplier used DHL. Unfortunately you did not make sure that DHL and in Finland Posti have my email and phone info and that created a long delay in delivering as Posti could not reach me. I had to fix it in waiting on OmaPosti chat-line for a long time and give my information through that. All the emails from OmaPosti were sent to Fixpart info-email and no one was replying to those or forwarding those to me. Please fix this problem and you are even better and give an option to delivery the parts for a pick-up center (Noutopaikka) instead of home delivery. Working people cannot afford sitting home waiting for DHL-courier.

Most relevant negative review

Mar 20, 2024
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In the option 'Delivery to another address' there is missing a very important info field, namely the telephone number of the receiver. It is critically important to have the receiver's tel. number included, because without this information the local courier doesn't have any means to contact the receiver, and the shipment would ultimately be returned to the sender/Fixpart. The local courier does not contact the buyer, whose tel. number is asked for in the order form. The return shipment almost happened to me, but I was able to give local courier (Post office in Finland) the receiver's tel. number. However, this required me to contact Post via a phone call.
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Jan 23, 2024
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Dec 20, 2023
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Dec 12, 2023
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Dec 11, 2023
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Nov 15, 2023
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Oct 26, 2023
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Oct 13, 2023
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Oct 13, 2023
Hyvää päivää, olen pahoillani kuullessani, että tilaamasi tuote ei sovi, vaikka sen pitäisi. Kuvien perusteella voimme arvioida, onko sovitustakuu olemassa, olemme ottaneet sinuun yhteyttä tästä asiasta. Juliette, FixPartin asiakaspalvelu
Oct 9, 2023
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Oct 9, 2023
Goddag, jeg er ked af at høre, at produktet ikke blev leveret i god stand. Vi har kontaktet dig for at se, hvad vi kan gøre for dig. Vi undskylder for ulejligheden. Juliette, kundeservice FixPart
Sep 20, 2023
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