
602 reviews in the last 12 months602 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Jul 27, 2024
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Well I must say that this website is amazing and for sure user friendly with good search filters so you can easily find a part that you need even if you are not professional handyman. Also delivery works perfect until the package arrive in Croatia, where you must wait for it at least 5-7 days more but that is not because of Fixpart, it is about our HR Post and DHL partnership problem. So enjoy the shopping and relax the Fixpart is for my opinion place to help you if you need some "parts" that are not available in local shops. All the best and keep up a good work... Jeff

Most relevant negative review

Sep 3, 2024
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I ordered part for my refrigerator based on picture on Fixpart site and I received wrong part - not that from picture. I was started procedure for returnig this part to Fixpart and I am waiting to long for any clear answer. I received mail from Magdalena from mail in which she ask me for type of refrigerator. I send to her details of refrigerator and I did not receive any answer. I am not is she AI or live person. I want to send wrong part to Fixpart and get my money back nad I am still waiting for any answer for 1 week.
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Aug 31, 2024
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Aug 31, 2024
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Aug 31, 2024
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Aug 31, 2024
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Aug 30, 2024
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Aug 30, 2024
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Aug 30, 2024
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Sep 3, 2024
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Delivery of wrong item

I ordered part for my refrigerator based on picture on Fixpart site and I received wrong part - not that from picture. I was started procedure for returnig this part to Fixpart and I am waiting to long for any clear answer. I received mail from Magdalena from mail in which she ask me for type of refrigerator. I send to her details of refrigerator and I did not receive any answer. I am not is she AI or live person. I want to send wrong part to Fixpart and get my money back nad I am still waiting for any answer for 1 week.
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Sep 3, 2024
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Naručio sam vrata za perilicu rublja, na stranici je pisalo da imaju na stanju, te da je planirano vrijeme dostave 2-4 dana, no međutim vrata su došla nakon mjesec dana. U par navrata sam poslao upit ,kada će doći vrata, no kao dobavljač je kriv ,a na stranici je pisalo da imaju na stanju. Slaba im je komunikacija. Lp
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8 days ago
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Usluga je bila ok, međutim kutija je došla s napuklom prednjom stranom znam da li je kod vas pukle ili u dostavi ali nisam zadovoljna, a nemam snage natezati s vama.
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Aug 30, 2024
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My article came broken and the email you have provided for custumer service claims is not working
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Sep 12, 2024
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8 weeks delay

Product that was supposed to be available in 3 days kept being delayed for 8 weeks.
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Sep 10, 2024
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I didn't get all that I order and no one replay to my e-mail!
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2 days ago
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I received half the parts I ordered.
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2 days ago
Good day, At the time of your order, we unfortunately did not have all products in stock (anymore). The products we did have in stock have already been sent to you, so you don't have to wait for those. The other part of the order will be delivered later. Bram, FixPart customer service
8 days ago
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Nije dobri i previse kosta 0 proizvod
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Aug 30, 2024
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Isporuka je sporija od obećane....
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4 days ago
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Recived broken part!
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4 days ago
Good day, I'm sorry to hear that. We have reshipped the product to you free of charge. If there is still something wrong with the product, please let us know. Bram, FixPart customer service
10 days ago
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11 days ago
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Sep 14, 2024
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