
617 reviews in the last 12 months617 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Jul 27, 2024
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Well I must say that this website is amazing and for sure user friendly with good search filters so you can easily find a part that you need even if you are not professional handyman. Also delivery works perfect until the package arrive in Croatia, where you must wait for it at least 5-7 days more but that is not because of Fixpart, it is about our HR Post and DHL partnership problem. So enjoy the shopping and relax the Fixpart is for my opinion place to help you if you need some "parts" that are not available in local shops. All the best and keep up a good work... Jeff

Most relevant negative review

Sep 3, 2024
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I ordered part for my refrigerator based on picture on Fixpart site and I received wrong part - not that from picture. I was started procedure for returnig this part to Fixpart and I am waiting to long for any clear answer. I received mail from Magdalena from mail in which she ask me for type of refrigerator. I send to her details of refrigerator and I did not receive any answer. I am not is she AI or live person. I want to send wrong part to Fixpart and get my money back nad I am still waiting for any answer for 1 week.
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Aug 12, 2024
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Nije jos ni stiglo, eto koliko str brzi
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Aug 14, 2024
Dobar dan, žao mi je što niste primili narudžbu na vrijeme. Healas je imao kašnjenja u isporuci, zbog čega se ispričavamo. Ako nešto nije u redu s proizvodom, javite nam. Bram, Služba za korisnike FixPart
Aug 19, 2024
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Didn’t receive item
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Aug 26, 2024
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Aug 16, 2024
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Aug 15, 2024
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Aug 4, 2024
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Aug 1, 2024
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Jul 27, 2024
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Well I must say that this website is amazing and for sure user friendly with good search filters so you can easily find a part that you need even if you are not professional handyman. Also delivery works perfect until the package arrive in Croatia, where you must wait for it at least 5-7 days more but that is not because of Fixpart, it is about our HR Post and DHL partnership problem. So enjoy the shopping and relax the Fixpart is for my opinion place to help you if you need some "parts" that are not available in local shops. All the best and keep up a good work... Jeff
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Jul 26, 2024
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Apsolutnih 100…

Ovlašteni servis mi je tražio 80E samo da dijagnosticira kvar na kafe aparatu Kod vas sam kupio novi dio za 30E sa dostavom U servisu mi je rečeno da će popravak trajati mjesec dana Naručeni dio mi je stigao u roku 3/4 dana Sam sam ga ugradio i aparat radi na oduševljenje cijele obitelji Uštedio sam i novac i vrijeme Apsolutno oduševljen sa Vama Preporučio sa Vas svim svojim prijateljima i prvom prilikom ću opet kupovati jod vas Želim Vam puno uspjeha u radu Srdačan pozdrav Mijo Merćep
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Jul 27, 2024
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Naručila sam crijevo za usisavač ...nakon plaćanja narudžbe vaša djelatnica u korisničkoj podršci me obavijesti da tog proizvoda nema i da nebi odgovarao mom usisavaču,da bi me druga obavijestila da je narudžba poslana... Ubrzo sam dobila naručeno proizvod koji savršeno odgovara. Molim vas da se uskladite i da kupce kontaktira jedna osoba sa jednog maila.
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Jul 26, 2024
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Odlična komunikacija s operaterima prije same narudžbe. Naručena polica za vrata frižidera 100% odgovara te je po potpuno pristupačnoj cijeni. U slučaju potrebe za kupnjom rezervnog dijela za neki od kućanski uređaja sigurno ću se opet vama obratiti.
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Jul 25, 2024
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Dishwasher Electrolux

I ordered part for my dishwasher after I got some direction of your employee that helped me with some things I don't understand,that part came after 4 days and fits perfectly to my dishwasher so I'm very satisfied with help that I got
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Jul 26, 2024
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Thankful for being able to find this item. The item arrived but my kitchen oven still doesn`t work. Why did I give you 4 stars and not 5 stars. It is because of the price of the item that was really high.
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Jul 8, 2024
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Great, fast delivery, part original, twice as cheap. We installed it ourselves, we had to unscrew a couple of screws and turn off the electricity, the washing machine works perfectly.
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Jul 30, 2024
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Dostavljač pristojan,uredan ,odličan Na žalost proizvod oštečen u originalnom pakiranju,prilikom transporta stisnuta i izoblićena plastika na prskalici za perilicu.
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Jul 12, 2024
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Jako sám zadovoljna sa uslugom i brzom dostavom i sretna sam da smo napokon pronašli prskalice za perilicu posuđa.Hvala Vam na brzom odgovoru i velikoj pomoći.
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Jul 24, 2024
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Parts are good and delivery is fast. Payment had an issue (it said it was rejected, but I was charged for it). Took couple of days to get resolved.
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Jul 3, 2024
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Dobro osmišljena ponuda, gotovo nemoguće ne pronaći potreban dio i ako se malo razumiješ u kombinirke i šarafciger jeftinije popraviš kvar.
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Jul 13, 2024
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Naručeni proizvod odgovara prezentiranom. Isporuka stigla expresno, već montirano, perilicu posuđa već obavlja svoje funkcije
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Jul 30, 2024
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Easy to order. It would be nice if the delivery is a little bit faster to Croatia. Part fits perfectly. I am very satisfied.
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