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2,251 reviews in the last 12 months4,799 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Sep 16, 2023
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Pidin siitä, että toimitus tuli jämptisti ja nopeasti perille. Palvelu toimii niin kuin pitäkin - ainakin Siemensin yhteistyöpartnereille asetettujen laatustandardien mukaisesti. Olen ollut itse Siemensillä töissä service controllerina ja tiedän kokemuksestani, miten teknologian huippuyrityksen varaosapalveluilla pitäisi toimia. Ainot miinus tulee epäselvästä opastuksesta nettisivuillanne. Tilasin ensimmäiseksi väärän termoskannun mallin, koska kuvauksesta ei käynyt nopeasti ilmi se, että kannun väri oli antratsiitti. Jouduin tekemään uuden tilauksen ja palauttamaan vanhan tuotteen, koska toiveeni oli saada musta termoskannu kuten alkuperäinenkin oli. Tein tilauksen älypuhelimella ja sen pienellä näytöllä oli vaikea erottaa, kumpi väri on kyseessä. Tai ylipäätänsä mitä ero näiden kahden tuotesarjan välillä oli. Yleensä alkuperäisissä tuotteissa on mukana myös värin kuvaus. Koodikieli yksin on liian insinöörimaista ajattelua. Siihen Siemens syyllistyy myös valitettavan usein. Loppukäyttäjille koodit ovat usein kuin hepreaa.

Most relevant negative review

Mar 20, 2024
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In the option 'Delivery to another address' there is missing a very important info field, namely the telephone number of the receiver. It is critically important to have the receiver's tel. number included, because without this information the local courier doesn't have any means to contact the receiver, and the shipment would ultimately be returned to the sender/Fixpart. The local courier does not contact the buyer, whose tel. number is asked for in the order form. The return shipment almost happened to me, but I was able to give local courier (Post office in Finland) the receiver's tel. number. However, this required me to contact Post via a phone call.
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Aug 31, 2024
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I recommend! But could be improved.

The parts fit perfectly. Delivery was fast. Customer service helped me find the correct part, but could have done more and could have been faster. There was a production defect in one of the parts I received. This defect may impact the life expectancy of the part. The original version of this part did infact break due to stress, which is why I am replacing it. The replacement part quality is not great because of the defect. I payed about 40€ for a set of parts where this part is included, I think for that price the quality should be top notch. Otherwise it is a great fit, and 40€ is cheaper than purchasing a new appliance. The original manufacturer of the home appliance was not able to provide a spare part, so I love that there is a service that provides these products! I would give 5/5 stars if the quality control of parts was better and if customer service replied faster and searched for the part for me, instead of just helping me to find it myself. However I want to thank customer service because they were still very helpful and reasonably fast. But there is always room for improvement.
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Aug 28, 2024
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Website is informative and I think site is easy to read. You say that customer is able to follow the delivery but nothing happens there suddenly just came text message delivery is ready to pick up.
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11 days ago
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Easy shopping, wrong part

Everything was fine until i noticed that the part i ordered does not belong to oven i have even though my oven was listed as compatible
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8 days ago
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The part came quickly, but the quality of the part was not original. The quality was pretty poor
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2 days ago
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4 days ago
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7 days ago
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8 days ago
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13 days ago
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Sep 3, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 9, 2024
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Poorly packaged

The product was good but it was packed poorly. The first one arrived broken and the replacement also had slight wear, but was adequate for us. The fact that the second one was also poorly packaged was especially disappointing.
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Aug 13, 2024
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Muuten hyvä kauppa. Kuletus yhtiön palvelu syvältä. Antakaa mahdollisuus valita kuljetus. Jos seuraavalla kerralla ei ole mahdollista vaihtaa rahtaria niin kauppa jää tekemättä.
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Jul 27, 2024
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Turhia muistutuksia maksamisesta

Miksi aina tulee pari kertaa muistutus, että pitää maksaa, vaikka maksu on jo suoritettu?
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Jul 27, 2024
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The delivery time was quite long. I did’nt reserve any info about the delivery time.
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Jul 27, 2024
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All went well, unfortunately the item didn't work...
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Jul 20, 2024
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Laskun onnistumisessa hankalaa. Muuten hyvä.
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Aug 14, 2024
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Aug 12, 2024
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Jul 30, 2024
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